Saturday 25 January 2014

Modal Budaya [HQ]

Bahasa mempunyai pengaruh ke atas kepuasan hati pelanggan dan ketidakpuasan hati pelanggan. Bagaimana mengaitkan kepuasan pelanggan dengan menggunakan faktor bahasa melayu tinggi, walaupun syarikat mungkin mempunyai produk berkualiti tinggi yang boleh memenuhi kepuasan hati pelanggan tetapi yang lebih penting lagi adalah bagaimana kakitangan syarikat kita memberi layanan kepada pelanggan iaitu aspek pengunaan bahasa melayu tinggi yang digunakan semasa melayan pelanggan.

Bahasa melayu mempunyai peraturan tentang pengunaan kata ganti nama diri orang pertama seperti 'saya', 'aku', 'beta' atau 'I' serta kata ganti nama diri ke dua  seperti 'kamu', 'awak', 'tuan', 'puan' atau 'you' untuk menjaga emosi pelanggan dengan pengunaan kata ganti nama diri yang boleh menarik hati pelanggan tanpa mengira status kedudukan pelanggan kita. 

Sesebuah syarikat seharusnya menggunakan bahasa yang hormat, pelanggan semestinya dinilai mempunyai status yang lebih tinggi dari kita,  maka kita perlu gunakan kata panggilan yang boleh menunjukkan kita memuliakan pelanggan atau orang tersebut. Pengunaan kata ganti nama panggilan kampung atau di rumah kepada pelanggan kita semasa berurusan dengan kita dalam situasi formal atau urusan rasmi perniagaan adalah salah kerana akan mempengaruhi emosi pelanggan. 

Keseluruhan organisasi perlu menerapkan nilai bahasa yang berkesan agar pelanggan merasakan diri mereka dihormati dengan menggunakan kata ganti nama yang sesuai demi menjaga emosi dan hati pelanggan. Adalah salah sekiranya kita gunakan bahasa kampung kepada pelanggan yang berurusan dengan kita. 

Usaha McDonalds Dalam Memajukan Perniagaan

Strategi Global Syarikat McDonald

Pemikiran Global Yang Disesuaikan Dengan Masyarakat Tempatan

McDonald menggunakan strategi transnasional dari sudut responsif masyarakat tempatan dan integrasi global. Mereka memahami bahawa pasaran luar negara merupakan segmen pasaran yang dipengaruhi responsif masyarakat tempatan yang tinggi. Oleh kerana perniagaan mereka yang luas berkembang di serata dunia, mereka perlu menguruskan perniagaan dengan dengan cekap dan berkesan yang tidak mungkin dapat dicapai melalui mana-mana strategi lain. Tindakan atau strategi yang dilakukan adalah dengan membina 'rantaian nilai' yang mengambil kira budaya tempatan, persekitaran, undang-undang, politik dan ekonomi yang dirasakan bersesuaian.

Pengurusan Tempatan

McDonald memberi penekanan kepada kaedah pelaksanaan pengurusan tempatan untuk lebih peka dengan suasana persekitaran perniagaan mereka. Dengan menawarkan pekerjaan kepada penduduk tempatan, ia mendorong kepada penerimaan syarikat dalam pasaran tempatan membolehkan syarikat mendapat akses mudah berkaitan hal-hal atau karenah birokrasi yang berkaitan dengan kerajaan tempatan. Ini menjurus ke arah budaya inovasi, akauntabiliti dan responsif pelanggan yang lebih baik. Pengambilan pekerja pengurusan dari kalangan rakyat tempatan juga membolehkan pemegang francais menangani isu-isu pekerja dengan lebih berkesan setelah mengambilkira budaya tempatan. Melalui kaedah francais, Mc Donald dapat mengurangkan kos memulakan perniagaan baru di rantau antarabangsa atau di negara yang berbeza.

Kepekaan Politik

Risiko politik berhubung dengan keputusan politik, peristiwa atau perkara dalaman negara yang boleh menjejaskan perniagaan dengan cara yang menjejaskan pelaburan atau mengakibatkan pulangan yang lebih rendah adalah antara cabaran yang perlu  dihadapi. Faktor ini adalah penting dan diambil perhatian oleh syarikat McDonald berikutan beberapa negara yang berkemungkinan tidak membenarkan FDI dalam industri makanan segera atau tidak membenarkan model perniagaan berbentuk francais. 

Kepekaan Terhadap Keparcayaan Dan Agama

Mengambil kira faktor kepercayaan dan agama yang merupakan salah satu komponen budaya masyarakat tempatan, syarikat McDonald menjalankan perniagaan mereka mengikut keseuaian pasaran tempatan. Contohnya negara-negara seperti India di mana 80% penduduknya tidak makan daging lembu dan beberapa negara lain yang melarang dari memakan daging babi. Oleh itu McDonald menyesuaikan produk mereka berdasarkan keperluan tempatan dan dengan cara ini mereka dapat menghindari dan mengelak dari berdepan dengan apa-apa konflik kepercayaan dan agama.

The Importance Of Culture In International Business.


   The influence of the different cultures in the global business world is essential for building successful International relations. This issue is based on the new global business perspectives and what is important to consider in developing an International Business plan. Companies have the challenge of presenting and expanding into new horizons, and it is really important to fully understand those new markets that the company is planning to expand in.

    Nowadays, a company’s business dealings are increasingly more international, and the need for effective cross-cultural communication has become essential: knowing a foreign culture is a long-term process of assimilation, comprehension and integration and is undoubtedly the key to successful business expansion globally.

    Taking time to know the culture of the country in which you are going to be doing business with is really important as it shows a sign of respect and it will be strongly appreciated; in fact, not doing so will cause uncomfortable situations between companies (that could result in the failure of the business.) So it is important to say that those who effectively respond to the culture and lifestyle of the country where they plan to expand have more possibilities of developing successful businesses than those who don’t.

    One graphic example that supports this statement is explained in the book Management Across Cultures: Challenges and Strategies. The author uses a grasshopper to explain how it is seen in different cultures: In United States it is considered a plague and a useless insect, in China it is considered as a pet, and in Thailand it´s a great snack to be used in sandwiches. He finishes this example by stating that if a grasshopper is capable of creating so many points of view, imagine all the other aspects among diverse cultures.

    So, if you are going to start any business or negotiation with a different culture, be sure to investigate and learn how one does business in that country, and, even more important, what one should never do. What for your culture might be something of good taste, might be considered an offense by other cultures.

Here are some more examples of business protocol in different countries:

  • In South America it is common to do business face to face.
  • In Russia, decisions have to be approved by several committees, which can make business agreements take much longer.
  • In Japan, they have learnt the art of silence in negotiations and many times Americans are not used to it and desperately think that something has gone wrong and feel pressure to close the negotiation when it is not needed.

    Each culture has a different social structure; some are more defined and closed than others, thus being more difficult to establish business. Another important aspect to be considered when expanding to a different country is the language, the local expressions and the way they express themselves, Literal translations are not always effective and can lead to misunderstandings, for example, when promoting or naming the products that the company wants to launch in a different market. This is why companies that want to expand need a specific localization, which is the modification of a business, product, content, that can satisfy both the language and cultural differences of the targeted market.

Here are some examples of how some companies have failed when localizing their business in different countries:
 The multinational energetic company Powergen chose a completely inappropriate naming for their
delegation in Italy: ( They received a huge number of visits to their website, but most of them were from people who thought that the web commercialized products to solve sexual impotence- a market very different market from their target.

An Article By Idesli , WorldPress                                                      Published on May , 2013

Friday 24 January 2014

What Is Culture And What Are Its Characteristics? What Are The Basic Elements Of Culture?


    Culture refers to the pattern of human activity and the symbols that give significance to these activities. Culture manifests itself in terms of the art, literature, costumes, customs, language, religion and religious rituals. The people and their pattern of life make up the culture of a region. Cultures vary in the different parts of the world. They are different across the land boundaries and the diversity in cultures results in the diversity in people around the world. Culture also consists of the system of beliefs held by the people of the region, their principles of life and their moral values. The patterns of behavior of the people of a particular region also form a part of the region's culture. The word 'culture' that hails from the Latin word, 'cultura' derived from 'colere', means, 'to cultivate'. Hence the way in which the minds of the masses inhabiting a particular region are cultivated, in someway determines the culture of a region. Let us look at the basic characteristics of culture and its fundamental elements.

    Culture is shared, by which we mean that every culture is shared by a group of people. Depending on the region they live in, the climatic conditions they thrive in and their historical heritage, they form a set of values and beliefs. This set of their principles of life shapes their culture. No culture belongs to an individual. It is rather shared among many people of a certain part of the world. It belongs to a single community and not to any single human being.

    Culture is learned. The members of a culture share certain ideals, which shape their lives. Generations learn to follow these ideals and principles. Culture propagates through generations, which adopt their old customs and traditions as a part of their culture. The ideals they base their lives on is a part of their culture. Cultural values are imparted from one generation to another, thus resulting in a continual of traditions that are a part of culture. The language, the literature and the art forms pass across generations. Culture is learned, understood and adopted by the younger generations of society. No individual is born with a sense of his/her culture. He/she has to learn it. What are the elements of culture? The language, other forms of expression as also the thoughts and emotions of the people, their social and cultural norms, their principles and beliefs are the basic elements of culture. For an effective transfer of culture from one generation to another, it has to be
translated in terms of symbols, which represent the cultural values of a community. Language, art and religion form the system of symbols that render a deep meaning to culture. Despite the efforts of the older generations to transfer their cultural values to the forthcoming generations, many tend to remain unaware of their culture. People are often found to have an incomplete knowledge of their culture. People seldom know their culture completely.

Characteristics of Culture

    A gradual change is characteristic to almost every culture. Cultures are subject to change. Culture loses some of its traits and gains new ones. The aspects of culture that change vary across societies. With the passage of time, new technologies emerge, new modes of work come up, social thinking undergoes transitions and so does culture. Every culture changes in time although the rate of change of every culture varies.

    Studies have brought out a fact that no culture can remain in isolation. There is hardly any social community that is completely isolated from the rest of the world. Every culture hence, is mostly influenced by cultures of the surrounding regions. Cultural values are prone to be affected by the values of communities in close vicinity. The cultures, which emerged during the same periods of time often, show certain similarities. Modern times have witnessed an intermix of cultures. Cultures are blended together giving rise to shared cultures. I feel that it is our moral responsibility to understand our culture. There is a need to study our cultural values and ideals, which have been shaping our society. It is necessary to have respect and pride for
our culture. There is a need to peep into the past that has shaped our present.

An Article By Manali Oak                                                       Published: August 25, 2008

Contoh Buku-Buku Yang Bagus Untuk Mempelajari Dan Memahami Budaya Dalam Perniagaan Antarabangsa


Why Is Culture Important ? How Do Cultural Values Impact Living?


  Culture refers to the pattern of human activity and the symbols, which give significance to this activity. Culture is represented through the art, literature, costumes, customs and traditions of a community. Different cultures exist in different parts of the world. The natural environment greatly affects the lifestyle of the people of that region, thus shaping their culture. The diversity in the cultures around the world is also a result of the mindsets of people inhabiting different regions of the world. Why is culture important? Let us try to find out.

    The cultural values of a community give it an identity of its own. A community gains a character and a personality of its own, because of the culture of its people. Culture is shared by the members of a community. It is learned and passed from the older generations to the newer ones. For an effective transfer of culture from one generation to another, it has to be translated into symbols. Language, art and religion serve as the symbolic means of transfer of cultural values between generations.

    Culture is a bond that ties the people of a region or community together. It is that one common bond, which brings the people of a community together. The customs and traditions that the people of a community follow, the festivals they celebrate, the kind of clothing they wear, the food they eat, and most importantly, the cultural values they adhere to, bind them together. Culture is seen as a system of social control, wherein people shape their standards and behavior. The cultural values form the founding principles of one's life. They influence one's principles and philosophies of life. They influence one's way of living and thus impact social life. The importance of culture lies in the fact that it is a link between people and their value systems.

An Article By Manali Oak                                                            Published: November 15, 2008

7 Elemen Budaya Dalam Perniagaan Antarabangsa

Kepelbagaian budaya serata dunia mempunyai keunikan intipatinya yang tersendiri. Pentakrifan budaya dibuat berdasarkan elemen budaya tempat dan masyarakat tertentu yang merangkumi :

  • Bahasa - Kepelbagaian bahasa pada dasarnya merupakan sebahagian elemen penting dalam budaya
  • Norma -  Setiap golongan masyarakat atau ketamadunan mempunyai satu set norma yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dan merupakan salah satu unsur penting budaya. Ia meliputi adat,resam, larangan dan ritual di dalam amalan sesebuah budaya.
  • Nilai - Nilai sosial sesebuah tamadun juga dianggap sebagai satu unsur budaya. Nilai sesebuah budaya selalunya merujuk kepada sesuatu benda yang perlu dicapai atau dianggap besar nilainya dalam struktur sosial masyarakat tersebut.
  • Agama dan kepercayaan - Amalan agama dan kepercayaan masyarakat di dalam sesebuah tamadun juga merupakan salah satu unsur yang mempengaruhi budaya.
  • Sosial Kolektif -  Merujuk kepada kumpulan sosial, organisasi, masyarakat, institusi dan golongan yang boleh dianggap sebagai hubungan yang membina sosial masyarakat dan mempengaruhi budaya.
  • Status dan Peranan Dalam Masyarakat - Merangkumi taraf dan peranan sosial dalam kumpulan masyarakat yang menekankan unsur penting dalam budaya seperti status dan juga peranan jantina dalam sesebuah masyarakat.
  • Integrasi Budaya - Merangkumi darjah keharmonian atau integrasi dalam kepelbagaian unsur budaya meliputi pecahan budaya-budaya minoriti, kebudayaan tempatan serta perbezaan di antara budaya tradisi dan bersejarah.



    A Simple Quizz@Kuiz Mudah

    Tutorial Komunikasi Dan Kaitannya Dalam Perniagaan Antarabangsa

        Perbezaan sosio budaya antarabangsa yang tidak dapat dielakkan dalam urusan perniagaan. Komunikasi merupakan antara salah satu komponen yang merangkumi aspek budaya dalam 'Perniagaan Antarabangsa' di mana ianya merupakan satu aspek yang perlu diberi perhatian dalam berurusan.

    Thursday 23 January 2014

    What Is Culture And How Do We Measure It?

        Understanding the influence of culture on business operations has been one of the most enduring components of international business (IB) and international management (IM) theorizing and empirical investigation. The purpose of this special issue is to build on the learning from previous debates regarding different approaches to studying culture as well as bringing to the IB/IM audience insights from other disciplines that take an interest in culture. Hence, we seek to create a volume that: (a) shows how traditional research programs have evolved as a result of accumulated knowledge and/or in response to specific critiques, and (b) incorporates alternative and completely new theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding and measuring culture.

        In doing this we encourage researchers from economics, psychology, sociology, political science, education and other domains as well as IB/IM scholars to make their latest work available to the IB community via this special issue. We welcome conceptual and empirical papers using quantitative, qualitative or mixed approaches aimed at providing comprehensive solutions to previously raised issues and that illustrate the most advanced methods for studying culture and other related constructs.

    From a methodological perspective we are interested in work that addresses or encapsulates three fundamental logics:
    • culture is ultimately manifested in the behavior, decisions and choices of individuals;
    • the measurement of culture is about capturing and categorizing both homogeneity & heterogeneity
    • the most effective means to critically test theory in the social sciences is to triangulate multiple methods
         Simultaneously and as one research paradigm as a means to ensure that one is testing the theory and not simply validating a joint test of theory and method. Hence, we are interested in papers that go beyond traditional psychometric approaches and thus examine culture across levels of analysis and via multiple methodologies. Some examples include:
    • Can we move beyond standard psychometrics? Is the standard ‘reflective’ approach utilized for decades relevant in light of a more advanced understanding of scale development?
    • How do our measures of culture relate to other aspects of an individual’s existence? Can we use ‘fusion’  of different data sources to come up with a more parsimonious and valid understanding of the dimensionality of culture?
    • Are surveys, particularly self-report instruments, the best way forward? What is the role of experimental based approaches? What can we learn from other fields - such as behavioural decision theory and experimental economics?
    • Can we move beyond standard econometric methods? What is the role of Bayesian estimationprocedures? Might we be able to apply multi-level methods that look at both the dimensions and levels of culture simultaneously?
    Culture Pie Chart

                From  a theoretical  perspective we are  interested in work that not just examines the standard  historic conceptualizations but  also examines  the  socializing  aspects  of culture, how  our   meaning   of  culture  has  changed ,  and  how   we  can  examine  culture  in  an environment faced by new technologies that render national boundaries less meaningful. For example, papers examining topics such as:
    • Who are the socializing agents of culture: How do they differ? When do they differ? Where do they  differ? How do they become legitimized?
    • What and how do specific socializing agents operate? Examples include the role of religion; family and the tightness of familial bonds ; the culture of poverty and the shared values, beliefs, etc. of those living in poverty.
    • How does culture evolve in a world of complex institutions and technologies? Examples include the role of immigration and diaspora s, modern media and new technologies.
    • Is our standard dimensional approach to culture meaningful? How might we gain and develop a deeper understanding of specific dimensions of culture that addresses the idea that individuals occupy different cultural places and spaces simultaneously?

    A Journal Special Issued by : Timothy M. Devinney , Bradley L. Kirkman , Dan V. Caprar , Paula Caligiuri

    A Simple Quiz 2 @ Kuiz Mudah 2 : Importance Of International Culture

    Tuesday 21 January 2014

    Animasi Berkaitan Budaya Di Dalam Perniagaan Antarabangsa

        Etika adalah merupakan antara salah satu struktur budaya yang mempengaruhi urusan perniagaan antarabangsa. Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan etika dalam perniagaan antarabangsa? Etika dalam perniagaan antarabangsa membawa maksud sikap dan kelakuan sosial yang diamalkan oleh golongan profesional atau tindakan di kalangan ahli perniagaan tersebut dalam berususan antara mereka. Video ini menjelaskan sedikit sebanyak tentang etika dalam perniagaan antarabangsa yang perlu difahami kerana etika setiap negara diseluruh dunia adalah berbeza-beza.

    Cultural Essence: A Video on International Business Culture

    International Business Culture Photostory.wmv

    Political Risks Of International Business